The project
The project “Faenza ON DEMAND: turismo di ritorno tra tradizioni cultura e radici nel territorio della Romagna Faentina” was born from the desire to activate a connection between root tourism and the territory of Faenza and Romagna Faentina, in order to allow Emilia-Romanians around the world, potential return tourists, to learn about the history of their ancestors by visiting (virtually, but also creating itineraries that can then be used in presence) the places where their ancestors lived, while discovering new forms of culture and traditions related to the rural life, crafts and food and wine of those places.
A journey therefore of discovery but also of transformation, consisting of past, present and future. The root tourist may be either first generation or may be a second or third generation descendant. In the latter case, the journey takes on a different connotation and is constructive because it goes to reinforce knowledge of one’s roots. This is a tourist who often knows that area only through the stories of parents and grandparents who have stimulated their curiosity to visit these territories. For them, the country of origin is only imaginary, but it is static, lacking form and nuance. Here then is where travel transforms ideas into reality, into colors, scents and flavors going to reinforce one’s identity as an Emilia-Romagnolo that would otherwise risk being lost.
An itinerary that crosses the boundaries of leisure travel and becomes a journey in search of origins, dissolving questions, enriching memories and creating new ones.
The tool chosen for this journey of discovery is that of the on-demand digital platform, through which the user will be able to choose various routes of discovery, or be guided by instinct, as is often the case when arriving in unfamiliar territory, creating real itineraries to be made in the future even when present. A new way in which to see an area that lives only in one’s imagination through the discovery of places but also of the
cultural, food and wine, and craft traditions, so that the tourist becomes a user and keeper of his or her family history, but also a collector of nuances and stories made up of human relationships that would otherwise be lost.
The platform will somewhat trace the principle of platforms offering movies on demand where, thanks to filters and suggestions based on previously chosen content, it will offer the user a tailor-made itinerary based on his or her needs and what he or she would like to discover about the area.
The project, conceived and developed by the Municipality of Faenza, was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Consulta per gli emiliano-romagnoli nel mondo of theLegislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region through the Consulta’s Call for Projects Submitted by Local Authorities and APS of Emilia-Romagna related to Regional Law 5/2015 (year 2022).