International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza
The International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza is, of its kind, the largest collection in the world. Its rooms document the culture of ceramics on five continents through the centuries.
The International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza (MIC) was founded in September 1908. At the conclusion of the Great International Exposition. That year was the third centenary of the birth of fellow citizen Evangelista Torricelli (inventor of the barometer).
Therefore, the exposition housed the products of many Italian and European manufactures.
The original purposes expressed in the statute-acquiring, preserving and, above all, promoting ceramic production-have remained relevant to this day. In fact, thanks to its steadfast principles, in 2011 (Year for the Culture of Peace) the museum was recognized as a “Monument Witness to a Culture of Peace,” according to the program launched by UNESCO.
First, the original nucleus was formed with the donation of works by exhibitors of the Torricellin exhibition. Later, thanks to the unceasing work of Gaetano Ballardini (the Museum’s first director), the collections were enriched with more specimens.
Then, the institute’s growth came to an abrupt halt in 1944. In fact, a bombing caused its almost complete destruction. There were serious and irremediable losses in the collections and archival materials.
“Post fata Resurgo” was the motto for the reconstruction. With the support of an extensive network of national and international contacts, Ballardini himself reorganized the collections and gave new impetus to the life of the museum.
Currently, the collections range from ancient civilizations, such as Pre-Columbian, Oriental, and Islamic, to ceramics tracing the history of Italy from the Middle Ages to the 19th century.
Up to 20th-century and Contemporary works by internationally renowned artists. For example, Pablo Picasso, Lucio Fontana, Henri Matisse, Arturo Martini, Pablo Echaurren, Luigi Ontani, Mimmo Paladino.
In addition, the “International Ceramics Competition – Faenza Prize” is dedicated to contemporary ceramic art. Organized by MIC on a biennial basis, it is open to all artists regardless of age.
International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza
19 Baccarini Avenue, Faenza
Tel. 0546697311
Fax 054627141
Informazioni e ringraziamenti
In partnership with:
Tourism Office Municipality of Faenza
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A celebration of cultivars of the past